Number 3
To start the list is that of Glen's vodka also known as the vodka most likely to be mixed with cheap soda by local children in the nearest park on a Friday/Saturday night. Although this drink is rather infamous for being drank by just barely teenagers in the local "scheme" there is a very good reason for this, Glen's is quite possibly the cheapest branded vodka there is possible on the market and therefor this is why the sheer smell of it brings me back to lying in the middle of a field hoping that i make it home in time for dinner. Now although this vodka is cheap there is an extremely valid reason for this and that valid reason is that the taste and smell of the liquid resembles that of paint thinner of nail polish. Moreover though is we cannot be hasty as now this is a list made for the likes of those living in University accommodation of Tesco meal deals and club hangovers and this has to be taken into heavy consideration whilst ranking such a high quality beverage on such a prestigious list. Now as for the price listed previous to this has been vague and simply referred to as cheap and that's due to the variety of the pricing of this product but upon my fine research the cheapest available bottle i was bale to find was priced at a whopping £14.00 ASDA which in comparison nowadays is not far off your local McDonalds. Due to all the reasoning above -and may some partial bias of it being the unfortunate drink of my teenage years- i would have to place Glen's at 3 as the price is truly hard to beat and with enough Barr's Cola you can only taste mild paint thinner.!11432!3!!!!x!!&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAlsy5BhDeARIsABRc6ZvDgVic4dQ7kfFIdOsZLbrdhFe-0la3pjJl2wwVrGFq-t_YfptjPesaAqE-EALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
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